The college City Office is located at 161 Madhavi Nagar, Birla Nagar, IIITM Main Road, Gwalior hardly 2½ km from Gwalior Railway Station and Bus Stand. It is in the heart of the city and is easily approachable without any inconvenience . it is the safest place for boys and girls.
The college is managed by " Amey Vikrama Institute, Gwalior" . It is a registered society working for the uplift of child and man - body mind and spirit man making is the main aim of the society. Hence varied social, educational and spiritual courses are given by it the college. The college attracts the viewers at the first site. It is in a four storied magnificent building furnished with all types of infrastructural and educational requirements. It is as per norms of the national council for teacher education (NCTE) Bhopal. Prayer and Seminar Hall, class rooms, library, science laboratory, audio visual library, computer cell, sports rooms, E.T. room etc. all are in sufficient number and as per needs of the professional course.
Major focus of the college has been on teaching of group a theoretical activities and assignments and group B practical teaching in the class rooms and performing the assignments. This college is fusion of both the activities. Timely eminent professors and scholars are invited to deliver lecturers and participate in the seminars etc. Apart from the regular classroom teaching modern teaching techniques and devices are also practical i.e. re-orientation programmes seminars, discussing micro teaching, case study, Audio-visual aids etc. besides different co-curricular activities and extra curricular activities are also done as per college calendar. Games and sports are a regular feature of the college. To sum up we are committed is this pious seal of knowledge, the bacret temple of Goddess saraswati. We are doing our best with all paraphernalia in preparing teachers who will serve the country with their unfailing courage.
“LEARNING TO TEACH AND TEACHING TO LEARN” with the will of excellent education.